Wednesday 21 July 2010


This week has been a week of anger so far. People are finding it easier to blame me than take the blame themselves, im a firm baliver in what goes around comes around, so something good must be coming my way soon, surely. All the commotion in my life has finnally caught up with me and im finding it hard to cope, but im winning, yes theirs up and downs, but theirs more up's

quote of the week

Sunday 18 July 2010

As far as im concerned if im living im winning

This has probably been the hardest week in my 19 year history.
You could say allot of opportunities have arisen.
But like my true friends foreskin they have split in half when pressure has come my way.
More ups and down's than a roller coaster.
And no I haven't been to a them park.

It has made me realise that those people who you think are "real" are not so real at all, I love my family and would be 6 feet under without my friend's, I ride till I die and ill stick by my true friends they as well as I all know who they are.....my lesson for this week has to be if something's going too happen let it be, because in the end it will happen regardless of what you try to do ,weather encouraging or trying to stop what is bound to happen eventually.As I slowly begin to tape myself back together again I think to myself I am what I am I have my issues but who doesn't? their are allot of people worse of than me so I need to be someone else's problem instead of everyone else being a problem to me.

Quote of the week.

"life's a bitch, but Im a man, and men fuck bitches."

Thursday 8 July 2010

i will be remembered not for who i am but for what i did.

I live everyday doing as i wont
and i survive, and after all they do say what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger ;).

"i will be remembered for what i did."
Lewis Badock 1991-soon come.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

1 spliff a day keeps the evil away

Roach check...rizla check......fag check......WEED check.........Thinking about all the lucrative things i could have in front of me right about now if i didnt smoke the dank on a regular. But i have come to learn, you cannot choose the direction your life goes in, what happens ,happens for a reason, and yes every now and then karma will come around and bite you in the ass, which leads to the question. What or who is karma?The answer? You , me ,everybody and everything is karma, so when im cunting some one off its going to happen back to me? not necerserally, but that leads on to the next question is karma real?In my opinion no,karma is some gassed talk your life is what YOU make it, nothing more nothing less. So less talk and more action is needed from me, i love my woman and she's delivered me a major wake up call :S??????happy smoking :)


Im new to all this shit so ima keep it brief, you all probably have much better stuff to be doing anyway. I sit here at 1:35am local time smokin my last spliff well recolecting on my day, to be honest its been nothing special and i cant wait for tommorow :) my lesson for today is the same one as yesterday and the day before that and the day before that and so on...you cant tell me nothing ;) GOOOODNIGHT

quote of the day

got ya stepdad ring up the line for 5 stones 1 dark ima let the gun spark